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2024 Act 2 July - December Visitor Guide
- Description
Preparations for the third AIA Visitors' Guide are underway. The feedback from the public was very favorable: they enjoy having a quality program to learn about the Andres, our events, the Symposium and artists, as well as to find other things to do and see in the area. The format is two programs each year, one for the first half of the year (Act 1) through June and then one to cover July - December, including the 24th Symposium September 14 - October 6, the Fall Iron Melt and the monthly Live Concert Series.
The program will be available to the public, both local and traveling visitors who visit the Welcome Center, the Studio or Brookline's Finest (open every day). It will also be available to concert and event attendees and people who visit for the Symposium. If you would like copies for your establishment, just let us know!
The program will be 20-24 pages, 6” x 9” printed on silk-text magazine-type stock in black and white.
Ad prices are:
Full page: $300
Half page: $150
Quarter page: $75
Inside of front or back cover (and social media mention) are $500
Corporate Visitor's Guide Sponsorship is $2000 with a full-page ad, a Corporate recognition page and your logo on the back cover. There are additional Corporate Sponsorship opportunities surrounding the Symposium, Live Concert Series and trail marking. Please reach out to [email protected] by email if you would like more information on these options.
The Andres Institute of Art celebrated its 25th Anniversary in 2023. We are open every day, dawn to dusk, with 140 acres,12 miles of trails and over 100 sculptures along the trails by artists from fifty countries, made on-site during the annual Symposium. We are visited annually by hundreds of students on field trips, clubs, troops and thousands of visitors as individuals or families. The park is open daily to the public for free. It is events such as our concerts, the Iron Melts and other fundraisers that support the art, the artists and the park. The Act I Guide supports general operations and the Act II Visitors' Guide provides funds towards the Annual Symposium.
The AIA is a New Hampshire Non-Profit 501c3. Donations are tax deductible, but in this case advertisers are receiving advertising in exchange for payment. Check with your tax advisor about the deductibility of participation in the AIA Visitors' Guide and/or other sponsorship options.