ARTIST BIOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION: Please visit his web site at
Nikolay Stοychev was born in Bulgaria, in 1957. He studied Textile Design In The Textile School in Sofia and sculpture at The Academy of Fine Arts. Nikolay graduated in 1985 with MA in Fine art. In the summer of 1988 he was officially invited to the Artistic Organisation of the Municipality of Volos to represent his country in The International Symposium of Sculpture, in Volos. Some months after the initial invitation, Mr. Stoychev was once again invited to Volos to organize a workshop for sculptors and to teach at the municipality’s School of Applied Arts. Since then he has been living and working in Greece. Nikolay Stoychev is a member of The Artist’s Union of Bulgaria and of The Chamber of Visual Arts in Greece.
COURSES TAUGHT: Ceramics Decoration and Furniture Design Jewellery Design Restoration of Works of Art
The more we try to understand the world, the more enigmatic it becomes.
Every new discovery is a new enigma and a reason for thought. That is why the opening of the stone makes the work more