
The Andres Insitute of Art wants to feature your photography!
The 2025 Calendar is available now in our online store. It is also available at the Welcome Center and AIA Events as well as at Brookline’s Finest. View the winning submissions in the calendar listing in the store.
The Photo Contest for the 2026 Calendar is already underway!
All the details are below – join the fun!
With permission, after the judging we will share favorites that don’t make the calendar but should be shared.
Prizes and Recognition
Winning photographers will receive a free calendar and shipping. Credit will be given in the calendar and all future uses of submitted photos. With permission, winners will be named on the AIA website and shared on social media.
The contest is open to photographers ages 16 and over. Contestants must have access to a valid email address for communication with contest officials. Entries are limited to three per submission, two submissions during the year, with only one per person chosen as a winning entry. Pictures do not need to be from 2025. The judging for the contest is blind so volunteers may enter, but Board of Director members may not.
File Format
High-quality JPG’s with at least 300 ppi (pixels per inch). Do not include a signature or watermark on the photo. Black and white and color photos are accepted, using filters is fine.
The photographer retains the full copyright to their images, with use of the name of the work and sculptor included. However, participation in the contest requires the contestant to give the Andres Institute of Art permisson to use the photographs without compensation for uses which include but are not limited to the calendar, publicity and marketing, website and social media. The photographer’s name will be used as requested on the submission form when the image is used by AIA.
Use the submission form button on this page with submissions accepted starting November 15th, 2024. The deadline for submission is midnight, October 15th, 2025. Winners will be announced by November 10, 2025.