Florien Strejac – Romania


Address: Tg-Mureş Bd.1848 nr.91/5 540386 ROMANIA
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.florinstrejac.webs.com

Master in stone conservation, graduated in 2000
Bucharest, Art Academy Sculpture, graduated in 1987
Bucharest, Art High School, graduated in 1980

Member of U.A.P. since 1993, (professional art union)

Present working place: The Mureş County Museum in Târgu-Mureş, stone restorer conservation laboratory

Personal Exhibitions:
Romania, Germany, Switzerland and Spain

Group Exhibitions: Romania, Canada, Italy, Spain, Germany, Hungary

Sculpture Symposia: Romania, Spain, USA, Turkey, Egypt, China, India, Sweden

Public monuments: three bronze works in Mureş County


In my vision, art represents salvation from life’s troubles and afflictions, as well as my own personal way of establishing myself and evolving as a human being.  The main thing I approach, noticeable from some of the titles of my works: “A Momentary Lapse of Reason”, “When the Wind Blows”, “Catch Me if You Can”, and the newest: “The Realm of the Ancient Marina” and “Light Side of Life”, can describe, in a metaphorical way, my state of mind when I am creating.  The idea of transforming life’s routine in a moment of creative bewilderment, is my life cradle.