Gerard Motondi – Kenya


Motondi Gerard Oroo Date of birth:  20th April 1965 E-mail: [email protected]

Web: Languages: English, Kiswahili, Ekegusii, Dholuo, Kikuyu- Fluently spoken and written

  • Educational Background

2002-2006: Kenyatta University, Bed.2ndclass Honours upper division(Fine Art, Kiswahili) 1989:      Private candidate-KACE certificate

  • Professional Qualification

2002-2006: Kenyatta University,B.ed 2nd class honours upper div.(Fine art, Kiswahili) 1990-1992: Kisii College, Diploma in Education 1st class (Fine art, Kiswahili) 1985-1987: Eregi Teachers Training College- Primary Teacher certificate (P1)

  • Work Experience

1987-1989:  Elementary (Primary) schools Teacher 1989-2006:  High school teacher- Fine art 2006 Feb-to present: Asumbi Teachers College teaching Art and Crafts Participant in international monumental sculpture symposia

  • Collected Artworks

Penza museum of Fine arts- Russia “sad memories and other stone works” Olympic Fine Arts Museum-Beijing



The Soul is Life.  Life is full of changes and contrasts such as day and night, light and dark, as well as concepts of growth,
development, emotions and time.  The soul therefore is the place of change.  When our souls are peaceful we can accommodate
change, initiate change and bring about meaningful change.hina—“Inseparable” Private collectors in Shanghai-China, Dubai UAE (Assorted small sculptures)