Eka Maraneli Workshop


Eka works with different mediums: oil, acrylic, watercolor, ink, printmaking, color pencils, drawing with grayscale pastels, and mixed medium.

She is offering a class, using grayscale pastels at the Andres Institute of Art at Big Bear Lodge, located at 106 Route 13, Brookline, NH, on September 30, 2017.  Class will be from 10-3, with a lunch break from 12-1 PM. Bring a lunch, or lunch is available at the New Kun Garden Restaurant, located at the same address.

Class is $45 with all materials included. The fee will be collected at the beginning of the AM class, cash or check. Checks can be made out and sent to: Andres Institute of Art, P.O. Box 130, Brookline, NH 03033. The class will be limited to fifteen students.

Please pre-register by emailing Nancy at: [email protected].