Hollis Brookline High School
Student Art Show
Friday, March 16, 2018 5 PM- 7 PM
Saturday, March 17, 10 AM- 2 PM
Free and Open to the Public!
Andres Institute of Art Lodge
106 Rte. 13, Brookline, NH
New Hampshire Is be celebrating Youth Arts Month throughout March with a series of events, exhibits and performances statewide.
A national initiative, Youth Arts Month brings attention to young people who both enjoy and excel at art in its many forms by highlighting what they can accomplish through high-quality arts instruction.
According to the NH Dept. of Natural and Cultural Resources, there will be numerous events state-wide.
Andres Institute of Art in Brookline, NH is also supporting this important initiative. Andres Institute has partnered with Hollis Brookline High School in Hollis, NH to offer a student art show.
HBHS art teacher Audra Saunders has worked with her students to create mixed media art pieces which will be on display 5-7 PM on Friday evening and 10AM- 2 PM on Saturday.
This event id free and open to the public. Ms. Saunders shared, “They have worked hard on their pieces. It is the first public viewing for most of the art students.”
Robin Clark, President of AIA, expressed her enthusiasm for this collaboration. “All three of our children graduated from HBHS. I am delighted to give these students an opportunity to share their creative gifts with a broader audience. When I was in high school I was active in the theater department. It gave me a new way to express my feelings and a chance to view the world through another’s eyes. I hope this art show allows our HB high school students the same chance to be heard and seen.”