Photography Volunteers Needed

#81 Still Loading (again, again, again) – Klaus F. Hunsicker – Germany

Still Loading… (again and again and again…) is one of the sculptures at Andres Institute of Art that makes people smile!

First, they are often puzzled…then they think about it for a few moments… and then laughter often ensues.  Who hasn’t waited impatiently for what seemed like hours as their computer came to life?

Leave it to one of our youngest artists to use ancient granite to express such a common frustration in modern life!

Another modern invention which we hope will reduce some of our frustration here at AIA is the high resolution of most cameras and phone cameras. With sculptures in our park that are up to 20 years old, spread across 140 acres of woodland trails, it has been challenging to capture high resolution photographs of them all. But today so very many of our Park visitors routinely bring their cell phones when they hike our trails…

And we have a favor to ask of you…

This year we are creating a new volunteer program!

We invite you to visit our free sculpture park and to take photos of your favorite sculptures…and then them share them with us using this email address:

[email protected]

We ask that you share the photos with our nonprofit organization to use without restriction or attribution.

The photos will be used to educate cross-section of the public. We have a widely diverse visitors- from our senior citizen tours to our youngest scout troops; from our committed athletic hikers to families taking carrying toddlers on their backs. We make formal presentations to community service clubs and school art classes… We believe that art builds bridges between all cultures. Our collection of sculptures has been created by sculptors from over all over the world!

We hope to see many of you at the Park taking camera shots of any or all of the sculptures you encounter… and then kindly sharing them with us via [email protected]

Thank you for supporting Andres Institute of Art in this creative way! We use the photos to promote this free community resource for hiking and touching art and experiencing the work of master artists from all over the world!