Thank you for adopting a sculpture at the Andres Institute of Art. Here are some guidelines for maintaining your
adopted sculpture. -The Sites and Trails Committee-
The Andres Institute of Art was founded in 1998 to explore the connections between art and nature.
The Mission of the Sites and Trails Committee is to provide stewardship of the Sculpture Park by:
- Preserving each artist’s vision for the presentation of their work
- Maintaining the works and their settings on the mountain
- Facilitating public access to the trails and pathways of the park
- Enhancing public appreciation and understanding of the art
- Duties of Sculpture Adopters: As a sculpture adopter you will provide regular inspection and routine maintenance of your adopted sculpture and
its setting in the park.
Artist’s Vision: Familiarize yourself with the artist’s vision for the presentation of their work by consulting with the Sites and Trails Committee after becoming an adopter.
Frequency: We recommended that you check on your sculpture at least once each season. Of particular importance is your inspection in the late spring/early summer to deal with deadfall & other winter storm effects, and to tidy up the site in preparation for the main viewing seasons of summer and fall.
Inspection of the Work: Look over the sculpture to check the integrity of the work, and report any signs of structural damage or cosmetic deterioration to the Committee.
Maintenance of the Site: Perform routine maintenance of the site around your sculpture to facilitate and enhance the viewing and appreciation of the art.
Depending on the site and the artist’s vision, this may include some or all of the following:
- Clean the sculpture to remove pollen, dirt, leaves and debris from the artwork.
- Clear back brush and encroaching undergrowth around the site with a weed-whacker or brush-cutter.
- Trim branches from neighboring trees that are reaching into the site
- Rake and weed the surrounding area
- Add gravel, mulch or wood chips as needed
- Check that the signs for your sculpture are present and in good repair. Your signs should include the name of the artist, the title and date of the piece, and the artist’s statement
We would like visitors to be able to view the sculptures from all sides, so where feasible sites should be maintained all the way around sculptures. Piles of gravel and mulch will usually be available for your use. If we’re
out, let us know!
Reporting: We would appreciate a status report on your sculpture at least semi-annually. This helps to affirm that each work is being looked after and keeps us informed of any damage or large scale maintenance that needs to be addressed. The best times for reporting are after your late-spring/early-summer inspection to let us know how your sculpture fared over the winter, and in the fall after the Symposium to report on any problems that cropped up during the main viewing season. Your report can be as brief as “Everything is A-OK!”. Of course, you can report in as often as you like and whenever you see a problem. Please be sure we have current contact information for you, and include any changes in your report.
You may report by phone or email to the Trail Committee:
Phone 603-673-8441 leave a message for the Trail Committee or email Fe at [email protected]
Remember that you are not alone in caring for your sculpture, especially if you run into a major problem. Contact any of us and we will find help for you.
Contact the Artist: You may want to contact the artist who created your sculpture and report on how their work is evolving in its home on the mountain. Most artists would be thrilled to hear from you, receive pictures and get reassurances that their work is appreciated and cared for. Who knows, you may even find a new pen-pal! The Committee will provide you with contact information when you sign up for adoption.
Enhancements: We encourage adopters to consider how they might enhance the site of their sculpture (while maintaining fidelity to the artist’s vision, of course), by adding crushed stones or mulch, planting flowers, installing a viewing or contemplation bench, etc. Please consult with a Committee member before adding anything, but we welcome your ideas!
Duration: Your efforts to maintain your sculpture are an important part of the Sites and Trails Committee’s mission. Proper maintenance of the sculptures provides the public with an optimal encounter with each artist’s work. It also assures the artists that their work is valued and cared for. There is no term limit on being a sculpture adopter. You may care for your sculpture as long as you are willing and able. However, there may come a time when you are no longer able to care for your sculpture. Should that happen, we’ll understand, but please let us know so we can make your sculpture available to another adopter. If you have not already chosen a sculpture to adopt, please visit our Sculpture Gallery (go to the sculpture by number link then click on the sculpture you are interested in) to see which works are available for adoption. Those sculptures marked ADOPTED have been adopted, the rest are open for adoption. Information on maintenance requirements for each sculpture can be obtained by clicking on the link to Sculpture Adopters Information for the particular sculpture.
General Vision: To help all our adopters gain a better perspective of their mission, the head of our Sites and Trails Committee offers the following general vision: “Adopters of Sculptures maintain a balance of the three essential ingredients that make Andres Institute a unique public resource: Art, Nature, and Man. Art is the sculpture, of course, but it is also the artist’s vision for the sculpture. This vision must be worked into Nature -the environment in which the sculpture is placed. Man must be able to access the site, to explore the relationship between art and nature. With this in mind, adopters are asked to care not only for their sculptures, but the area around the sculpture as well. Three dimensional art should be approachable from as many angles as possible. The trail that passes the site is important, find the points where your sculpture is first visible, enhance the view by removing branches and brush. Catching a glimpse of a sculpture from a distance invites the visitor to continue down the trail to check out what comes next. Nature should enhance the site without curtailing access. Adopters need to clip and clear without making the site look overly contrived. Take a look around the area of your sculpture. Perhaps there are a few natural points of interest, a rock with crystals or a lichenin-covered log or stump. Create an invitation to explore by clearing the way to this spot. It does not need to be a trail, just an option for the curious. Maybe you will find a new view of your sculpture that others might appreciate as well.”
– Trail Committee
Directors, we thank you for your dedication to the
Institute, the artists and their works.